Living  Without  Land

—A Field Report on Cooperative Housing Design. 

in Argentina, England, Canada, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Uruguay, The United States, and More.

by Sam Naylor︎︎︎

For many living together today is a precarious & undelightful choice.  Cooperative housing (through collective ownership or labor or both) is one potential salve to this condition. Strategies such as the Community Land Trust (CLT), Cooperative (Co-op), Co-housing, or Co-living offer liberation & stability through collective action. However the relationship between this social structure and architectural design is less clear for contemporary residential projects.

Living without Land is an ongoing research project that seeks to examine existing models of cooperative design across the world.This website is an early glossary of findings and a multimedia repository of links to other peoples great work.

Funded through the Druker Traveling Fellowship of the Harvard Gradute School of Design.

If you have any questions or would like to connect please reach out
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